Pharmaceutical Recovery Services

Pharmaceutical Recovery Services

Course Outline

Part 1

  1. Why Do We Care and What Are the Regulations?

Part 2

  1. Definitions_v2

Part 3

  1. Product Line

Support Content

  1. Pharma - One Page Overview
  2. Pharma Recovery Video
  3. Pharma Sell Sheet


  1. FAQ: Disposal of Dental Carpules
  2. FAQ: Disposal of Controlled Medications via Unused Medications Envelope
  3. FAQ: Use of Charcoal-Based Pharma Destruction Products
  4. FAQ: Healthcare Facilities Using Public Collection Events / Take Back Programs
  5. FAQ: Do Our Customers Need to use the Stericycle Black Container


  1. Pharmaceutical Recovery Quiz

About the Course

About the Instructors

Bryan Foss

Bryan Foss